A Road Trip Around Australia

Tag Archives: dolphins

Regrets I’ve had a few but then again too few to mention

Taken from Frank Sinatra’s My Way a line that resonates a great deal with me. You could write that on my grave 100 years from now

We as humans procrastinate we can easily avoid the life we want and fall into a life we need a life driven by work and a mundane routine. Maybe that’s for you but let’s be fair not everyone reading this disagrees, I have been there and it’s not always a pretty place to be. Stuck in a perpetual loop unable to escape. It doesn’t have to be that way.

We read books, watch documentaries, read travel magazines, watch films, scroll the internet for beautiful beach sunsets in paradise,1to add as a wallpaper to your office computer to avoid looking out at the window at a dreary life, at least that’s the life I once led.

With the power of Facebook I would watch and envy anyone who was out there avoiding the 9-5 smiling happy and enjoying the things I wanted to do. Why did I ever think this was impossible for me to achieve?

Whatever it is you want to do or dream about doing or a place you want to go or something you would love to try, why aren’t you doing it? What’s stopping you?

It’s morbid but I have seen it time and time again, regrettably people can get ill and I have known a few who are or were terminal. In their last time on earth many come alive, they look at their bucket list and start ticking it off, maybe travel, perhaps a skydive, holiday in the Bahamas, get married, a trip to Disneyland etc etc. The way I see it is this, life is terminal not one of us is getting out alive so why can’t more of us wake up and stop dreaming our bucket list away. A time will come when you will be looking back and realise just how easy things could have been, how we should have not worked so hard or achieved a lot more. We should never let things be too late. Once life’s gone you aren’t going to get it back, hours, days, weeks, years, time is all we have and it ticks away.

If I had to really sum up what I’m saying imagine playing a computer game, you are one character who needs to get from the beginning to the end in one go, but to win you must collect as many points in your time on this level as you can. You would try everything to get the most amount of points to say this level was a success. Hope that makes sense

For me travelling was always my dream being lived by someone else I would talk stories with friends who did it, relate that to the shows I watched on TV but still go back to my day job and carry on paying the bills. With the good fortune of meeting Kate and having someone so enthusiastic towards life woke me up. Money can be saved, they pay for flights, more money can be saved, they pay for travel money. I worked every hour sold things I didn’t need and together we made our dream happen. It’s not impossible I’m no longer envious of others. So why can’t we all do the things we want before it’s too late?

What is it you want to do, write a book, get a promotion, travel, start a buisness, buy that car, study, move abroad, skydive, swim with dolphins, get fit, climb a mountain, run a marathon, whatever it may be

Don’t wait until your death bed to regret it treat this life like it’s your last…..and get off your arse and live

No Regrets
–Jack and Kate–